
qPCR and PCR

IDT offers a variety of qPCR and PCR products to meet your research needs. Order predesigned and custom probes and primers, master mixes, and ready-to-use qPCR solutions.


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a core and widely used laboratory method. An enhancement of this method, qPCR (quantitative PCR, also known as real-time PCR) measures the amplification of DNA in real time and not at the end of cycling like conventional PCR. Together these applications have contributed to significant advances in gene expression, genotyping, cloning, and other applications. Central to PCR experimental success is the design and high-quality synthesis of primers or probes. Primers and probes that are prematurely truncated, contain incorrect base sequences, or include carryover contaminants from manufacturing processes can impede accurate and efficient PCR.

Over several decades, we have refined a proprietary platform that improved nucleotide coupling efficiency during oligo synthesis. Subsequent purification steps produce a high-quality primer or probe. All oligos are QC tested in-house by ESI mass spectroscopy* to help ensure an accurate, full-length, final product. Moreover, years of experience with nucleotide chemistry and thermodynamics have been incorporated into advanced algorithms powering our easy-to-use sequence design tools.

* With the exception of mixed base oligos, which could potentially represent multiple sequences and therefore cannot be accurately evaluated by ESI mass spectrometry.

GMP refers to products manufactured under ISO 13485: 2016 QMS. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations for their legal marketing.
