
qPCR and PCR master mixes, enzymes and reagents

Using commercially produced master mixes, enzymes, and reagents ensures simple, efficient experiment setup and consistent data.


Using commercially produced master mixes, enzymes, and reagents ensures simple, efficient experiment setup and consistent data. Each batch of reagents from IDT undergoes rigorous quality assessments for performance and reproducibility, moving you one step closer to achieving successful and consistent qPCR results.

Mastermix2-step RT-qPCR1-step RT-qPCRDirect amplification from crude samples2X4XInhibitor resistantShipping condition
PrimeTime Gene Expression Master Mix   Ambient temperature
PrimeTime One-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix   Dry ice
PrimeTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix  ✔✔Dry ice